We understand that the quality of our bags is the top priority; a loss of product due to an FIBC malfunction is the last thing that any customer wants and in turn is the last thing that we want for any of our customers. We put the utmost importance on quality to ensure that every bag we sell has been inspected and approved by our quality control staff and testing center. We operate a state-of-the-art technology center in AHMEDABAD, India. The center is staffed by veteran textile, polymer, chemical, and mechanical engineers experienced in all stages of FIBC production.
Quality Assurance
Akshar FIBC is continuously raising standards of FIBC making through its R&D efforts.
- Sophisticated equipment and stringent quality measures ensure world-class quality.
- Uncompromising attitude towards quality and customer satisfaction has made us world leaders in food-grade FIBC.
- Our Quality Policy articulates our commitment to provide better quality products and improve customer satisfaction.
At Akshar FIBC Solutions, safeguarding the well-being of all our stakeholders is of prime importance. We have established high standards of personal and operational hygiene.
- Our commitment to hygiene and cleanliness ensures food grade FIBCs that are sanitized and free from dust, germs and pollutants.
- International’s “Superior” rating since inception endorses our commitment to hygiene.
- Implementation of Food Safety Management System is part of our Food Safety Policy.